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Potency Level: High

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Species: Psilocybe Cubensis


The name "Jedi Mind Fuck" likely reflects the intense and potentially transformative nature of the psychedelic experience induced by this strain. It combines references to "Jedi Mind Tricks," a term from the Star Wars franchise denoting mental manipulation or persuasion, with "Mind Fuck," a slang term often used to describe experiences that profoundly challenge or alter one's perception of reality.


IMPORTANT: This is a liquid culture, not a spore syringe. Liquid cultures accelerate mycelium growth which will allow you to harvest in just 4-5 weeks while spore syringes take 10 weeks to complete the growth cycle.  This is because a spore syringe contains dormant spores while a liquid culture syringe contains living, active mycelium.  More importantly, they have a much higher success rate and the potential for contamination is immensely lower than that of a spore syringe.

Jedi Mind Fuck LIQUID CULTURE Syringe

SKU: LC-386544
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