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Potency Level: High

Difficulty Level: High

Species: Psilocybe Amazonian


PES Amazonian is considered a great option for beginners due to its potency, ease of growth, and the fact that it often yields multiple impressive flushes. It is reported that the species has long been used by indigenous cultures and ancient civilizations of the Amazon rainforest to help them attain a degree of spiritual enlightenment.


IMPORTANT: This is a liquid culture, not a spore syringe. Liquid cultures accelerate mycelium growth which will allow you to harvest in just 4-5 weeks while spore syringes take 10 weeks to complete the growth cycle.  This is because a spore syringe contains dormant spores while a liquid culture syringe contains living, active mycelium.  More importantly, they have a much higher success rate and the potential for contamination is immensely lower than that of a spore syringe.

PES Amazonian LIQUID CULTURE Syringe

SKU: LC-386547
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